A few rationalizations that even perfect little me am guilty of:
• It’s not like I’m running for ‘Saint’, or anything
• Plasma Wide-Screen TVs are a lot easier on the eyes
• I’m this way, because of my parents... My parents are this way, because of their parents... My son is this way, because of my parents
• Everyone cheats on their taxes at some time or another
• I’ve got plenty of time to improve, Picasso didn’t do his best work until he was in his 70’s
• It’s not like she has never borrowed something from me, and not returned it…. Finders Keepers… Losers Weepers
• At least I’m not doing as bad of a job as my parents did
• After a great day like this, I should go ahead and commemorate it with some cute new shoes
• With all the shopping I do, I’m doing wonders for the economy
• No One will ever find out!
• We are all going to die of something
• Designer shoes are really an investment