illegal treasonous COVID19 "pandemic" scam "vaccine" mandates,
Ah, I see you have lost the plot.
When you die, or someone close to you dies from Covid 19...remember it simply never happened at all.
Even when the smell of decay is a hint...
Please explain the personal attack you directed at me here, when I've attacked no person personally and have only posted my concerns about the actions of corrupt government officials and their MSM counterparts?
Obviously, COVID19 is real but I maintain the claimed COVID19 "pandemic" is a scam that corrupt government officials used to illegally gain power. Here's some evidence that proves COVID19 to be nowhere near the "dread" disease that would "justify" what governments all around the world have done:
(look at "% Admitted where COVID was not included as one of the reasons for admission")
Here's evidence showing that simply taking care of your general health can prevent severe COVID19 disease:
Here's evidence showing just how dangerous those COVID19 vaccines can be and have been for many people. Obviously, it's someone's personal right to choose whether or not to receive the COVID19 vaccine. I maintain the government doesn't have the authority to force the COVID19 vaccine on anyone, especially given how dangerous the COVID19 vaccine is:
(look at "APPENDIX 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST" (9 (!!) pages of serious side effects))
BTW...the extreme right...and extreme left are identical, as 'extreme' is the prime descriptor.
Someone who wants their right recognized by government to not be forced to undergo "medical treatment" that could kill, or, worse yet, permanently cripple them, is not "extreme."