It does look to me in basics like you are still in essence putting 1+1 and the fancy calculator proceed to generate results
At no time in my primary, secondary, or tertiary education did I ever use or have the opportunity to use a calculator. [in 1973 some fellow students made it to Germany and bought a Braun calculator that cast them around 180 GBP which at the time was about $300 AUD ... to put that in perspective the 26 hour flight to the UK return was $600 and that was a chartered 707, so no, couldn't afford a toy like that].
Every single bit of 'maths' I did was my knowledge only, no machine input.
Same goes for all my Architecture in the 50 years I was at it... no machine input, no CAD, Not a penny was spent with Autodesk. I could never afford the time to 'learn' CAD as I was busy drawing the way past Masters did... by hand.
My graphic art was ink, pencil, Conte, bit of watercolour...
Then when computers came along it was Paintshop Pro. The interface was now keyboard and mouse...but still manual cause and effect, simply electronic.
AI means giving the task to a 'slave' and telling it to do it for you. The slave is the author... you are the facilitator.
If the Intelligence is 'Artificial' then by definition the 'art' is also.
Currently a lot of the AI output suffers terribly from failure to comprehend perspective in particular.
It sometimes gets pretty close with '1-point' perspective.... but at one time I was drawing renderings that had up to 13 VPs ... all generated mathematically [geometry] so all could be proven to be correct and accurate.
AutoCAD can generate perspective correctly [particularly Revit], but the so-called 'Intelligence' that datamines online images to compile 'Art' clearly does not think well in 3 dimensions, heck, half the time it can't get mirror imaging right ...

Very simple and ink tone markers on plain paper... freehand...[can't rub out so errors remain] drawn from memory 45 years ago [only datamine was in my head].
You'd probably have to give the AI a lobotomy to draw simplistic like this one...