How can I get my registration / product key information
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How can I upgrade my version of Multiplicity?

If you have already purchased the upgrade and have the new license key, on the 'Primary' Multiplicity PC, in the Multiplicity configuration menu, go to 'About', 'Change License', then 'Update Product Key'. Example:
There is where you will enter your newly purchased license key.
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Are there Mac and Linux versions of Multiplicity?
No but versions are being considered for those platforms
Multiplicity Seamless vs KVM confusion
First, you are going to want to make sure you have Multiplicity installed on all the PCs you want to use MP with.
For Seamless connections, you are going to want to make sure you can see the monitors of the Primary and Secondary (on the same desk). If the Secondary is in another location where you cannot see the monitors, you are going to want to use KVM connections.
Next, you would want to make sure that the Secondary computer you are trying to reach is on the side of the Primary:
Example of Secondary monitor(s) on right or Primary monitor(s):

Diagonal placement of a Secondary will not work:

Click here for more information on Seamless connections.
If the PCs are not on the same desk (other rooms \ locations), or they are close but one is headless (no monitor), you are going to want to create a KVM connection.
KVM connections will open a window on the Primary where you can view and interact with the Secondary computer. Click here For more information on creating and using KVM connections.
How do I unlock the Secondary at its Windows lock screen
Seamless Monitor Layout Help
Seamless connections work best then the monitors aligned how the PCs are on the MP grid
Example 1:

While not shown on the MP grid (and no option to do so), here is the monitor layout in this example:
Primary has two monitors: X-2, X-1-(Windows main)

Secondary has two monitors: Y-1 (Windows main), Y-2

X-2, X-1 (main) <--> Y-1 (main), Y-2
Also, with this option enabled:

One could push the cursor right on Y-2 and have it appear on X-2. This feature essentially creates a 360 degrees of cursor movement.
Example 2:
While, again, not shown on the MP grid here is the monitor layout in this example:
Primary has two monitors: X-2 (Windows main) , X-1

Secondary has two monitors: Y-1 (Windows main), Y-2

X-2 (main), X-1
Y-1 (main), Y-2
As you can see, other than physically moving the Secondary monitors above the Primaries, I just had to change what was the main display on the Primary to have the natural transition restored.
What is not possible, but is being considered, is the ability to place any monitor anywhere. In other words, the MP grid would have monitors instead of PCs and could be moved to fit their real world placement.
Is there pricing for more than 8 Secondaries?
Multiplicity "9 PC" confusion
As a reminder, MP is licensed per Primary; Secondary computers do not require activation. The '9' refers do the Primary itself and the 8 Secondaries it can control.
In other words, if you need 3 Primaries controlling any number of Secondaries, you will need 3 purchased licenses.
If you only need one Primary at any given time, but it could be any PC, you would demote (deactivate) the Primary and promote (activate) a Secondary to a Primary.
I can move my mouse to the Secondary but cant interact with the desktop
This is almost always a firewall issue. As a test, on ALL MP PCs, turn off any and all AV \ Firewalls including Windows native:

After, make the connections again to see if mouse and keyboard actions are observed on any Secondary
If it works, turn the Windows firewall on, download the following file (on all MP PCs), and run the batch file:
That file will only work for Windows firewall. For any third party ones, here are manual instructions:
Make sure these firewall rules are enabled:
Rule Name Port/.exe
Multiplicity Service 30564
Multiplicity Clipboard 30565
Multiplicity Application (clipboard) Multipl2.EXE
Multiplicity Audio Service 30567
Multiplicity Remote Screen Service 30569 (For Multiplicity 3 only)
Multiplicity Application (Remote screen control
MPRDP64.EXE (For Multiplicity 3 only)
All ports are TCP. The executable names above are for whitelisting the applications within a software based firewall (Windows Firewall for example).

Multiplicity Drag-drop Copy-Paste Issues
First, Drag and Drop is not available in Multiplicity KM - only available in KVM and greater. Also, while Drag and Drop is available on on the KVM version, it does not work for KVM sessions, only Seamless. You would use Copy / Paste for KVM sessions.
Please make sure you have rebooted each MP PC to see if the problem lasts past it. You also want to ensure that each MP pc is running the exact same version ('About' tab)

After, make the connections again to see if mouse and keyboard actions are observed on any Secondary
If it works, turn the Windows firewall on, download the following file (on all MP PCs), and run the batch file:
That file will only work for Windows firewall. For any third party ones, here are manual instructions:
Make sure these firewall rules are enabled:
Rule Name Port/.exe
Multiplicity Service 30564
Multiplicity Clipboard 30565
Multiplicity Application (clipboard) Multipl2.EXE
Multiplicity Audio Service 30567
Multiplicity Remote Screen Service 30569 (For Multiplicity 3 only)
Multiplicity Application (Remote screen control
MPRDP64.EXE (For Multiplicity 3 only)
All ports are TCP. The executable names above are for whitelisting the applications within a software based firewall (Windows Firewall for example).
Furthermore, Multiplicy services need to be allowed in the respective network types

While these showcase the settings, they can all be removed and recreated with a full uninstall \ reinstall.
Mouse is stuck on the Secondary
A few things are known to restrict the mouse on any given machine:
Heavy load on either PC
If either PC is under heavy load, it could restrict switching for the time that they are.
Multiplicity settings restrictions

UAC (User Access Control)
If a UAC window is open on any MP machine, it could play a role in restricting Seamless switching

However, one should be able to unload MP on the machine the cursor is restricted to have the mouse return to the Primary:

If you want to shut off UAC prompts, go to your start menu and type UAC. Click Change User Account Control Settings. A window will prompt you to lower or raise the level of notifications. Select the lowest option and click ok.
Mouse Cursor Lags on Secondary
If you’re experiencing a laggy mouse cursor when using Multiplicity, try troubleshooting with the following solutions. Test each change after implementing the following steps and monitor the cursor behavior after each change to see if the lag improves.
Lower high-end settings:
If using a high-end gaming mouse with a high DPI and polling rate to control the Secondary computer from the Primary, this can add stress to performance. Try adjusting these settings to their minimums using the companion app for the device.
Other potential issues could include a poor connection, a network overloaded with traffic, or one/all PCs being under heavy workload:
Missing Mouse Cursor on Secondary
For Seamless connections, enable this option on any Secondary with the issue:

For KVM connections, please enable this option to see if helps to get the cursor on a more consistent basis:

If that fails, try windowing the connection:
Multiplicity Connection issues 101
NOTE: If you are using 'WebRoot' as an Anti-virus product, disable (remove is preferred) and try again. For reasons unknown (and only addressable by them), WebRoot will prevent MP from working properly consistently.
NOTE:: You cannot connect to a Windows XP machine via KVM mode. The errors will be that that it is a firewall issue or that KVM mode is not enabled.
NOTE: All testing should be done via Ethernet (not wireless) and directly connected to a single router. Also, if used, any VPN connection should be disconnected.
Ensure you have the latest and same version of MP software installed on each machine; one as a Primary another as a Secondary. You can check your version on the 'Help' or 'About' tab in MP. You can get the current version on your account page:
Next (and important), try rebooting every MP machine, as well as the connected router, and testing the connection again:


If that fails, and as a test, shut of Windows Firewall (as well as any other AV \ Firewalls you may use):

Try your connection again.
If it works, turn the Windows firewall back on, download the following file (on all MP PCs), and run the included batch file:
If that works, it was a firewall port issue.
If that fails, you need to check that the firewall profile you are using is set for Domain, Home or Private, NOT Public.

Changing Windows network type should you need to:
If that still fails, removed the Secondary connection completely:


And re-adding the connection by the Secondary's IP instead of the host name:
Passcode Errors
Remember that the passcode can be changed in couple of places;
On the Secondary:

On the Primary for Seamless and KVM:

And for audio:

As a test, change them all to: 123456
To see if it is a case or special character issue.
Note: The pass code is not the same as the encryption key:

Multiplicity Erratic connections
If you are using MP over wireless, please try Ethernet to see if this resolves your issue. Also, make sure the EXACT same version and build of MP is installed on each machine (on the 'About' tab). You can get the most recent version from your account page
You may also want to completely remove the Secondary from the Primary grid and re-add it by IP instead:

This is especially helpful when a VPN connection is used on any MP machine, Primary or Secondary.
Also, for 'jerky' mouse cursor movement on the Secondary, if either MP PC is under very heavy load (you can check task manager for CPU and Memory usage), this can affect how well MP can communicate mouse position and keyboard input to a Secondary. If the mouse and \ or keyboard are wireless, please try a wired versions as a test or at least ensure that they are both in close proximity to the base station for the device(s).
Also (and important), if the there are is a laptops \ tablets with issues, it is important that the power is plugged in as some network capabilities are selectively powered down on battery power.
If you are using WebRoot as an Anti-virus product, disable (remove is preferred) and try again. For reasons unknown, WR will prevent MP from working properly consistently.
If that all fails, try downloading the following file on each MP PC:
If you're on Vista/7/8/10, right click on the file and select "Run as administrator".

If you're on XP, double click to apply it.
After it completes, please remove all the Multiplicity Windows firewall rules:

Please also temporally disable any other third party firewall applications you may have installed.
Reboot, reinstall Multiplicity from your account page (important):
Repeat the process on all PCs you have MP installed on.
Set up your Multiplicity connections again.. DO NOT change any of the default settings prior to establishing that MP is working.
I can't connect when VPN is active
For starters (and this can be answered by your IT department), your VPN connection must allow for 'Split Tunneling'. Tis a fancy way to say that it will allow some traffic to traverse one network (your home) while request to the VPN network are segmented to it specifically. If that is not allowed, the only way to make it work is to have both PCs VPN connected. If split tunneling is allowed, the below should help.
While different flavors of VPN can change how effective MP is, when adding a Secondary that is on your home network, and also has an active VPN, try adding the Secondary by IP instead of host name:

And then this:

Make sure you are adding the IP of the private network (your home subnet) and not that of the VPN.
Also, if your home network IPs are assigned by DHCP (and hence could change) you may want to statically assign an IP to the Secondary that is outside of the DHCP scope. For example, if you check your router config, it likely has a DHCP range;
Example: - 192.168.1.X
Note: your router could use 10.x.x.x but the example should still be clear
Usually the router manufacturer does not include the entire subnet but could: -
Shorten it as it is not likely you will have 200+ devices in your home needing an address. Set it to something like: -
Which would give you 49 DHCP addresses. After, assign your Secondary:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Note: remember, your router may have a different subnet schema.
For clients using Cisco's AnyConnect client, and MP stops working when you use it, please see this article:
Multiplicity Ports
Multiplicity Ports and Files
Multiplicity Service 30564
Multiplicity Clipboard 30565
Multiplicity Audio Service 30567
Multiplicity Remote Screen Service 30569 (For Multiplicity 3 only)
Multiplicity Application (Remote screen control)
Files (whitelisting)
MPRDP64.EXE (For Multiplicity 3 and 4 only)
Multiplicity Application (clipboard) Multipl2.EXE
All ports are TCP. The executable names above are for whitelisting the applications within a software-based firewall.
Windows Firewall

Allowed Apps
Also in Windows Firewall, all Multiplicity core function need to be in ‘Allowed Apps’

To easily rewrite the rules for Multiplicity, you can use this batch file to do so:
You would want to run the batch file on all Multiplicity PCs to ensure the rules are consistent on all PCs.
Changing Multiplicity Ports
These are the keys you will need to add \ edit. PLEASE back up what you have now prior to changing anything. These are examples are for 64-bit machines.
Primary - controlling other machines
WinKey + R, regedit, enter. Navigate to the following using the name of the Secondary machine you want to connect to; SDROHAN-TEST is the Secondary MP machine in this example
Note the addition of the string value Port=17. You can choose what ever port you like here (excluding the know commonly used ones of course).
Primary - what itself uses
OverridePortPort2 is the clipboard port. Again, use any port you like here.
OverridePortPort2 is the clipboard port. Again, use any port you like here.
Running a command prompt as admin and netstat -a will show that it is now listening on the new ports
Multiplicity Port Troubleshooting
For any connection issues, the path of least resistance it always a an uninstall \ reboot \ reinstall.
If that fails, please see Multiplicity Connection issues 101
Multiplicity Audio Troublshooting
What is the Secondary and Primary is irrelevant for sound; it is only about the sender and receiver.
Try each of the following in order.
-First, try rebooting the sender and receiver.
-Make sure you have audio enabled on both the sender and receiver - if they are, try unchecking / rechecking on each PC:
-Make sure the Multiplicity Inbound rule is set as so on each PC:
-Try entering in the actual IP of the receiver on the sender instead of the host name and SAVE the changes:
-Disable jack detection on the sender:
-Allow the sender to be unmuted to make sure that it is indeed sending audio:
Some devices will not play sound unless output devices are indeed attached (power saving). If no speakers are on the sender, plug in some earbuds to ensure it is playing and that is indeed the issue.
-Disable any an all Firewalls (including any antivirus software) on each machine.
Multiplicity Clean Boot
A "clean boot" starts Windows with a minimal set of drivers and startup programs, so that you can determine whether a background program is interfering with your game or program. This is similar to starting Windows in Safe Mode, but provides you more control over which services and programs run at startup to help you isolate the cause of a problem.
Creating a new Windows Administrator Account
For testing, please create a new Windows Administrator account.
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10 & 11
Log in under that account and try. If it fails, and while still under that account, please click the link below for performing a 'clean boot' under it:
Windows Clean Boot Documention
Activate Stardock Software
After you've loaded Windows in a clean state, please run the following to enable the MP Service:
Perform this on at least one other Secondary MP PC.
Multiplicity purging and re-installing
Obtaining the purge file
Please follow this link:
Save the file to your downloads folder.
Purging the application
Double-click the downloaded purge file and select "Run as Administrator" if you're on Windows 7/8/8.1/10.

If you are running Windows 8/10/11, you may be notified that Windows is protecting your PC. Select "More info" and then "Run anyway".
Reboot the computer and reinstall the application. It is important to get the most recent version of the application.
For trials:
Please ensure you have the most recent trial available:
For Stardock direct purchases
For getting your product and key, please see the following:
For Steam Purchases
Even after using the purge file, you still need to use the 'uninstall' option in the Steam client:

After, re-Install from Steam and Steam only.
Please DO NOT change any of the default settings until you verify that the application is running as expected in its default state.