Some of my friends have stated that I am hard to shop for, I just don't see it. I've got lots of interests and am pretty easy to please. Well, a few days ago I got an early Christmas present from a long time friend. He and I go way back and has been there through many of my crazy mistakes, okay actually accidents. This year he decided to get me something that I would defintily need. The Card read as follows:
To My Stephie,
Since you've just moved into the new house
And don't always have the best of luck
Especially with your cooking adventures
(Do I need to remind you of the chicken in the oven 6 years ago?)
I thought you might need a good one of these
Keep it handy at all times
I know you will eventually need it!
Always one step ahead,
What oh what could it be?
I opened the gift immediately and about died laughing. My friend of years and years got me the one thing that that he knew I would definitely need, especially not having someone else in the house anymore to help me with my foolish crisis's . He got me a Fire Extinguisher, A really nice bright shiny one and red, my favorite color. (and yes I realize that most of them are red) I should have known because of the brief mention of the "Chicken in the Oven"in the card. To make a really long story short, I decided one year at our Friends Thanksgiving the day after to do a chicken. Not just any chicken, mind you, but a totally different chicken. I ended up deciding that I should try and do the whole Flambe thing. How hard could it be, add some 80 or 90 proof alcohol light a match and bam, a big show for everyone! I decided to go with Bacardi 151, what the hell, higher proof more excitement right? Nobody told me how much to use, so I'm assuming I probably used a little too much. I was trying to think ahead and decided that it would be better if I didn't put the chicken on the counter, because I had no idea how high the flames would get, so I left it on the oven rack pulled out. I lit a match and dropped it on... POW!!! I would have never imagined that it could go that high, freaking out I slammed the oven door closed hoping that it would put the fire out. It eventually did, but not before the chicken was ruined. Oops, I'll never do that again! This story has been haunting me for years now and when I bought my present house a few jokes about stealing my oven in the middle of the night for my own safety were said. I now stay far away from the oven, unless cooking a pizza, cookies or the occasional lasagna, maybe a total of once a month. But hey, I've got a great Fire Extinguisher now, maybe it's time to start with some more experimental cooking