Ok. So– inconsistent.
We have a new build coming out shortly that will nab a little more debug info in the Advanced Logging.
Here's sorta what I'm thinking:
This seems to be happening to your single-width fence groups only. (Correct? Not correct?)
Fences get sized based on two things. (1) the size you set them to, and (2) minimum size, based on the size of a single icon. This size can get messed with heavily based on DPI...especially changes in DPI.
I haven't seen this before but – what SEEMS to be happening is that, sometimes your layout loads up and the 1-icon width for the given DPI is larger than it should be. If you can then resize it back down, then that means that it is temporary and it's just catching this incorrect width during load. It doesn't save this different width with the minimum enforced until you move/resize the fence, hence, sometimes you can reboot and that "fixes it". In the backup files you sent, the stored-in-the-config width of the fences (i.e. Python-AI) was the same as the prior ones, even though the latest one shows a screwed up screenshot and prior ones show correct! That to me says "realtime correction based on minimum, that is getting there via mechanism "??".
Low-odds, but it's possible I just need to add a routine to periodically check for changed minimum-sizes and update the current "size to use" in kind on the fly.
* Next time this happens, take a backup, and immediately restore that backup. I'm curious if that fixes it. (Pro-tip: you can hold shift while clicking create backup to name the backup at that time.)
* If these do not fix it, at that time, can you resize the size of the fence inward, or is it stuck wider? (In previous reports you indicated you could "fix" it by resizing them all more narrow again. It is "good for us" if you can!)
* Similar- if you are able to fix it by resizing them down narrower, then save backup and open that backup immediately, does that then stick? Or does it go back to being wider. Etc etc
Good times! I can't say I can 1000% guarantee a fix on this one but I'd really like us to figure it out. The upcoming build v5.88 already has some accommodations specifically for you so let's see where this goes.