(MP3 KVM Pro 3.6)
My primary is Win 11 24H2 with 2 secondary Win 10 (all 3 are on same LAN)
For about 3 years I have struggled with either black screens or screens that work but kbd/mouse is inactive.
Usually restarting KVM service on primary or secondary or both clears it up.
I have uninstalled / reinstalled 20+ times. I have opened tickets. I have received purgemp-new.bat to clear all traces....
And its always been a bit flaky. Over these past 3 years, all of my PCs have actually been replaced completely due to hw upgrades. I have run for months at a time without A/V or MS firewall without it making any noticeable difference.
At some point Stardock support suggested it was related to my secondaries being headless. (I never found any technical explanation why this was even relevant. Every other remote control app in the world doesnt care)
But I added a monitor to one secondary and it became stable.
Due to space / layout/ other restrictions, I couldnt add a monitor to the other secondary, so I added an HDMI switch I had lying around that provides EDID info even when monitor is not switched to that port so the secondary would always "see" an active monitor.
This appeared to solve the issue. In MPBAR, I would see live thumbnail updates of secondary very reliably and I was able to connect as desired pretty reliably.
Current Issue
Pretty recently, I noticed on this secondary MPBAR thumbnails were still very reliable but launching a connection showed a blank screen while the kbd/mouse worked. Again I tried uninstalling/reinstalling, turning off av and everything else known to man and yet nothing I could do would make it show the desktop.
I have checked that encryption settings and passcode are correct and I have verified in advanced settings that a default display resolution is set (currently 1920x1080)
I am soooooo tired of having to chase this issue because I have no technical understanding of what is actually required and I cant find any logging or tracing information.
Im willing to upgrade to MP 4 although I havent found any features I need. But to throw more money at this without knowing if the underlying tech has changed/improved in this area isnt attractive.
Could anyone please answer these 3 simple questions:
1) Why am I able to connect quickly, reliably but with a black screen 100% of the time? I dont get an error saying "monitor not connected" or any kind of message. Its just BLACK. ALWAYS BLACK.
2) Whenever I press ctl-alt-del button in title bar of the remote desktop window of my working or non-working secondary, I lose picture. Its like I cant use fast-user switching, I cant logout/login using MP 3. The moment my desktop session ends, my remote display goes black. What is going on here?
3) Is there any underlying tech change to MP4 that would change/improve this behavior?
Thanks so much for any help