I understand that the Fences app works properly on all other devices but it is only on my Win10 desktop that it trips up.
This is the screen that popsup Now I look at it yet again it seems like allicence issue, yet I only use ,by cut and paste, that that which appears under my account. Keep in mind the problem-free installation on my laptop was exactly the same, and again, cut and pasted and it was fully aware that it was already used in another installation and had to be removed..
I'm sure if it differed even in one character it would be rejected, surely.

My installations are very vanilla-flavoured, I have never used a scheduler although I can appreciate why some might. I keep my systems as squeaky clean as possible and very stock standard.
I will do that film sequence soon, but I have to say that the popup that appears is asking for an installation. If I agree to it, it prompts for nothing further and just functions normally. If I check the "About", it seems normal, although it doesn't actually say much; it just gives some management options. If I don't agree it takes two cancellations for it to go away, yet Fences appears normal regardless.
It is almost like it somehow has to ask even though there is nothing that fails if is let continue, or not.
I'll see if the popup appears after the same interval from startup.
If I really hard to I could back up my system then nuke the drive, reinstalling and setting up fences before anything else, and see what happens. But that is more effort than it is worth since I only do that maybe annually.
I'll be back later today.