I have 2 or 3 problems. But 2 problems maybe have the same reason.
And the 3rd problem is not so important because I have a workaround. But the workaround is not working because the main problem is with my workaround.
Now the problems I have:
When I start my PC with Windows 10 and Fences 5.81, I miss 3 fences on my 2nd display.
I have 3 displays and on the 2nd are 3 fences missing after every system start.
I must go in the settings to Layout and than Restore a backup. And then not every backup with the correct configuration is working.
I must try some backups to find one who is restore correctly. The problem comes with the last update. So at the same time When I start my PC and do a right click I have 2 “fences configuration” menue entries. I don’t know how its write in the english version because I use Fences in german. And in German the entry named “Fences konfigurieren” to open the settings. So when I do the first right click on the desktop, on the first position is the settings entry with the old logo with the blue F. And in the middle is the entry again with a smaller logo and a white F. Its possible to open the settings with both of them. After this first right click I have only the middle entry until the next pc start.
And the problem that the 3 fences are missing makes me angry because I must restore every start the backup.
And the next Problem is, that after restore the fences are not at the same dimension and positon after restore.
They are placed at the upper edge of the screen and the label is at the bottom of the fence. So I must unlock the fence and move them and change the wide and height. But in the backup they was saved correct.
And I must tell you that version 4 runs very better. I don’t have these problems with version 4.
Since I used version 5 the first problem was that after every system start up the Icons from display 2 and 3 was changed the display. So the Icons from display 2 was seen on display 3 and the icons from 3 was seen on 2. The position on the screen was the same. To example icon A was normally in the left upper corner from display 3, its was after starting the pc in the left upper corner of display 2. And all these icons wasn’t in fances. Because I found no solution I put all Icons from display 2 in fences and I must lock the fences. After doin this the problem was fixed with a workaround.
But now I have this stupid problem with this 3 fences on display 2 and with the buggy backups. If I do an manual backup from the correct size and position of all icons and positions, I can’t use this backup to restore. The icons from display 2 are not come back after restore although they are saved in it.
The Fences on display 1 are all ok. No problems.
I have no more ideas what I can do to fixed this problems.