0.84 Released today!
Microsoft has released PowerToys 0.84 today which has a really cool new feature called Workspaces. Looks very promising!
As described on their GitHub page:
New utility: PowerToys Workspaces - this utility can launch a set of applications to a custom layout and configuration on the desktop. App arrangements can be saved as a workspace and then relaunched with one click from the Workspaces Editor or from a desktop shortcut. In the editor, app configuration can be customized using CLI arguments and "launch as admin" modifiers, and app window sizes and positions can be updated as desired. This is our first public version of Workspaces and we are excited for you to try it out for yourself! Make sure to file issues you encounter on our GitHub so the team can continue to improve the utility.
Credit to DrJBHL for first announcing this was coming at https://forums.stardock.com/529804/page/1/#3940283
In addition to Workspaces, there are plans to release two more new features soon.
See the article on Neowin at