The start menu lists the app as "Fences", which is what I looked for in Add/Remove programs, but there as your screenshot shows, it is listed as "Stardock Fences". Quite confusing, and since I couldn't initially find it because of that confusing way it is listed, I thought it wasn't in add/remove programs and therefore there was no way for me to uninstall, leaving me only with the option to upgrade. Hence my comment about being forced to upgrade.
Please I would ask that you don't spend time being defensive; instead try to empathize with me, a paying customer. After all, I brought a bug to you to help stardock; then was told to install a patch which upgraded me to fences 5 and caused this problem. Your support caused this problem for me and now you need to help me fix it because it is interrupting my business at this point.
- So I have now uninstalled it. Now I have this mess on my desktop - see attached screenshot of my desktop. All fences gone, icons scattered all over the place.
Exactly as I stated in an earlier post, I feared that my desktop would be blown up when I uninstalled, impeding my work on this device. That is now happening.
So I tried to find Fences 4 at your website to reinstall it. But the page won't let me access the software - either "get it now" links don't work, or they reroute me to fences 5. So now I'm stuck with this mess on my desktop, and now get to look forward to redoing my whole desktop once you help me to figure out how to reinstall fences 4. I am going in circles and am receiving no serious help or assistance to resolve this problem created by you, Stardock support, because I helped you by reporting a bug. I would hope you can empathize with my frustration here.
Please provide me the fences 4 file so I can install. I want to get past this headache as quickly as possible.