After setting up a Quicklaunch Dock and setting Start11 to Full Screen, I noticed the following.
If Start11 is not set to Full Screen and the Start button on the Quicklaunch dock is clicked, the Start menu opens to the right of the button.
If Start11 is set to Full Screen and the Start button on the Quicklaunch dock is clicked, the Start menu opens to the left of the button. So, if your quicklaunch dock is in positioned in the center of the screen, you will only see half of it because the other half is off the screen.
It doesn't seem to matter whether the Start11 taskbar Start button is positioned to the left or centered.
I'm not sure if this is intended or a bug.
Windows 11 Pro - 22635-3570; Start11v2 - 2.08; ObjectDock
Note to Basj: If you can reproduce these findings, it should probably be reported to the Dev team.