I had to flatten my PC recently due to the issues listed below. It was running 22H2, later upgraded to 23H2, running ObjectDeskop, DeskScapes, Start11, and Fences:
System clock in lower right periodically stopped updating.
Icons in taskbar periodically 'shift' but one slot to the right.
LONG shutdown times, greater than 3 minutes.
After the rebuild using 23H2 (and completely patched.udpated) I installed ObjectDesktop and Deskscapes, although I have not yet configured the latter.
When I shut the system down, it is back to taking 3 minutes to shutdown.
I haven't used it enough to see if the icons are shifting, or if the clock stops updataing.
Has anyone else seen these issues? Anything I can look at to resolve?
Thanks in advance for any tips you may have,