Good day. My problem I am having is that at (apparently) random times, my icons will change positions within my Fences. Restoring a backup immediately fixes the layout, but eventually they re-arrange themselves without my say-so.
I am running the 5.05.02 Alpha version to see if it fixed the problem, but it did not.
My Windows 11 build is 22621.3296.
My Windows Feature Experience Pack is 1000.22687.1000.0.
I have a link to a Google Drive folder with the following images.
1. How my desktop looks during normal work times. (This is my desktop's default state.)
2. How my right Fence looks when fully expanded (I never do this, but I did it just to show you what icons move around.)
3. How my left Fence looks when fully expanded (I never do this, but I did it just to show you what icons move around.)
4. How my unrolled top Fence looks when hovered over. (I do this a lot.)