More on this...
I did a full registry scan for "Stardock" after a purge and there were MANY hits, i.e, 116 for Stardock. This says the so called "purge" isn't working.
I sorted thru and deleted anything I could. Many of the Stardock entries had permission restrictions which I had to override. That is probably the cause of the errors during the purge.
Now I would say desktop operations are taking about 3 seconds which is a 2X improvement over when the remnants of Fences were sill remaining after the purge. This includes simply moving an icon from one place to another.
I think Stardock has some work to do on:
- The performance issues (that *many* users are experiencing)
- The ineffectiveness of the Purge.
Note: I would easily have upgraded to Fences version 5 if the performance issues were resolved. They were not when I tested so I (along with other) am looking for a Fences alternative!
PS It would be good if anyone having issues, posts replies to this post. Maybe then, Stardock will focus on the problem as opposed to saying " it works for me".