This was confidential communication between contractual/commercial partners. The General User has no input and should not expect to be included in such discussions....
of course we would not expect to be included in those discussions... that would be ridiculous... I obviously did not explain myself extensively enough for the legal-eagle Jafo...
My point was...that while Master Skinners naturally had a heads up as to the demise of Masterskins.... we, the community...did not.
We could have been given a week...2 weeks... a month heads up...for those who drop in sporadically... to purchase what Masterskins we wanted....
or, if you didn't want the further accounting... just leave the Masterskins up with a notice on them... one indicating that the Masterskin is now free courtesy of the Master Skinner... or remove the Buy button and inform that the Master Skinner now has to be contacted directly to purchase the skin or showing a link to their new/alternative site. That would have enabled the Windowblinds gallery to continue displaying the cream of the crop skins that showcased Windblinds to the best.
Even just doing that for awhile would allow community to sort through and note down the skins and Master Skinner's names to be able to contact them....
As it is now... we are just.. 
You've left the gallery devoid of it's best artistry that also served to look back on the evolution of Windowblinds.
You could have even displayed them in a separate gallery, although inactive, to serve as a history record of Windowblinds skinning... it's such a shame to have them all gone... poof!..nothing, nada, zip...zilch...
Thank you Kitty & Mike for allowing your Masterskins to remain on WC free...
Thank you Neone for supplying in your Shadowglass thread an alternative to purchase your skins so speedily... impressive site!
Tom... I hope you manage to get a site up and going again for yours and v's skins you have so diligently updated.
While it's naturally Stardock's/WC's prerogative to do as they wish, and we understand Master Skin sales are past the height of their glory days, it could have been so much better handled giving it some thought and perhaps consultation, thus giving consideration to the community that supports it.