I wanted to follow up on Fences randomly changing to different monitors after a computer restart or wake from sleep:
After a bit of digging, I noticed the Fences Backup XML files often reference DISPLAY3 (the monitor where most of my Fences are shown), but the Fences are actually on Display (or monitor) 4 as identified using the windows System->Display properties.
For example, here is an entry from the Fences backup xml file:
<string>5|5369|2292|1415|339|0|Communications`|`Internet`|`Domains`|`Network`|`Printing` |\\.\DISPLAY3` |3840|1695|3840|2160|1|0|255|0|` |-1|0|0|0|0|{45730797-BE4A-4D0D-99A2-D7D394CF08D6} |</string>
After more digging, I found that Windows 11 Color Management also shows DISPLAY3 as the monitor number (when clicking the Identify monitors) in the Color Management. (Extensive posts exist on the Internet regarding this mis-match between Color Management monitor identity numbers and Windows System Properties monitor identity numbers).
However, both the AMD Drivers and the Windows 11 System Display both identify the same monitor, fences shows as DISPLAY3, as Display/Monitor 4.
My Opinion:
Fences appears to use the same monitor numbers as those in the Color Management screen for saving backup copies of its profile and for saving the last active configuration. Because the monitor identity numbers in the Color Management screen may change when the computer restarts, the fences relocate to where-ever the Color Management display number (e.g. DISPLAY3) happens to land (which can randomly change change to different display monitor).
My Suggestion:
Because monitor identity numbers and layouts from the Windows System Display properties DO NOT CHANGE between restarts, I suggest these System->Display settings be used when saving Fence settings to the windows registry or to the xml backup files. I believe the added benefit would be that rearranging the order for these monitor numbers would permit the fences to follow their assigned monitor identity number.
Caveats and Disclaimers
All of the above is my own opinion, and based on my own discovery work. Hopefully, StarDock forum members or someone from StarDock can confirm, dispute or add clarity to my findings.