Species Name: Ellerian Fusion
Former Homeworld: Elleria (Castor)
Genus: CyberFloral
Genesis: Castor's only dwarf planet (which is special in its own way) gave shelter to a peculiar kind of a plant: Elleriosa Transparere. A transparent plant that feeds off a very unusual light spectrum of their binary star. While fragile in nature, a singular specie of Elleriosa Transparere is able to store an enormous amount of photon energy which is released and dissipated throughout crystalline soil structure of its host planet in exchange for its nutrients. How and when Ellerian "flower" became sapient is unknown. But what is known that ever since the first primitive Ellerian tribes started to roam (by uprooting themselves and floating through thin air of Elleria from place to place) the universal knowledge of their race grew exponentially. At the time their society did not have a concept of conflict, currency or starvation. Elleria, Castor and its twin star supplied everything the society needed. Striving only to learn and understand the world around them they grew out of their planet ecosphere at the same time when an unknown origins spaceship crash-landed on Elleria taking out their third biggest colony in the process. The time of mourning and sorrow was short though - the desire to study the space apparatus overcame grief and the necessity to avoid overpopulation and coming starvation forced Ellerian best minds to dedicate themselves to reverse engineer the spaceship in order to leave the planet in search of a new colony planet.
Then unspeakable happened. That day became to be known as the day of Exaltation. Through the cracks of broken hull of the crashed ship volumes of glittering liquid sipped into soil of Elleria and through it into Ellerian bodies. It was studied and dissected quickly. It wasn't a liquid, but a swarm of silicone based nanites of unknown origin. Not only they were quickly determined to be harmless to Ellerian biology, but more than beneficial as the time passed by. In short span of time all the nanites that survived the crash integrated into Ellerian bodies increasing their biological attributes, doubling their mental and energy capacities. They started to change Ellerian body composition to the point when "infected" Ellerians started to be able to replicate the alien nanites to share them with the rest of the population. They became bigger, smarter and stronger. In about a solar year time Ellerians were unrecognizable from before. Their bodies changed to what they are right now - glowing transparent floral bodies eight feet tall with synthetic micro-robots running though their veins. The Ellerian Fusion was born. Their thought process evolved; they realized that there is more out there than living and breeding on Ellerian soil.
The day when the Ellerians built their first spaceship became the day of Ascension as they all directed their gaze to the stars and left Elleria in search of knowledge and technology to Transcend physical dimension - believed to be the third step in Ellerian evolution. They realized that they did not need to be planet bound anymore as their biology was nearly perfectly adapted to survive in a vacuum of space even without an exosuit. Not a single Ellerian is believed to be inhabiting any planet in the local galaxy quadrant today.
Current state of affairs: Traveling from star to star, using their energy to charge the ship's interstellar engine (if you could call it that as they themselves were part of that "engine" - but that's another story) they scavenged and recycled as much material as possible to sustain their nanite "blood" and evergrowing flotilla. Knowledge is power. They traded, bought and sold all kinds of data and quickly became a space force to not be fked with. They grasped the concept of War real quick. Their battle ships are known as Ellerian Slicer. Superfast and maneuverable it has plasma phase wings that spread out on both sides of the ship and could slice through other ships hulls like hot knife through butter. Their other ships ability was to change its and its crew dimensional phase to absorb incoming damage and use it to partially replenish the ships crew, recharge and even overcharge its batteries (which are the crew themselves - also another story). They have mastered interdimensional phasing at this point in time. The origins of Ellerian nanites are still unknown.
Meet Ellerians: