Reviving an old thread, August 06 2020, as it is the only one talking about this matter, and there are still things you can improve ...
1- consolidate the forums ... (navigating between ... ??? ). The layouts are not clear, and the tiny drop-down menus with a tiny arrow/triangle can be easily missed ... By instance, I discovered the tiny drop down menu after posting something that was better in support/tech sub-category. Too tiny, and see point 4 below, inconsistent across versions...
2- have a clear forum bug reporting section, or - better - a dedicated page in the support section (not in the forums but inside the pages, with a clear reporting form and allowing files uploading)
3- be able to contact a moderator (by instance for asking to move a thread to another part of the forum). At the opposite of many forums, no "flag" for reporting or contacting a mod, or the list of active mods to who you can send a pm.
4- and have at least a coherent forum structure with same sub categories !!!
Example, concerning Gal Civ3 : (printscreens taken 30 mn ago, logged in all 3 forums)
In :

in :

and in :

It is a mess! You do not have the same sub-categories for the same game, depending on the forum ...