Thanks Brad, a few of things I'd like to see:
1. Proper stardates. I know it might not make sense for all races to have a January and a February, but it was nice to see the passage of time through the months and years. It added to the immersion.
2. More hot keys. Ctrl-S to quick save, Ctrl-G to toggle grid, ctrl-N to regenerate map.
3. More options. Such as grid opacity (it's pretty distracting as it is) and the distance that the ships and planets turn into icons.
4. I'd like to be able to have the mini map default to zoomed out and stay zoomed out, it's nice to see the whole shape of the galaxy.
5. I always like how the GCII mini map showed the starting positions and current boundaries of all of the races (toggle-able of course).
6. I'd like to be able to zoom out in the tech tree (also in GCII).
7. In GCII you could enable tech trading, but disable tech brokering, so the AI could only trade techs that they have researched themselves. I don't see this in GCIII it just shows tech trading on and off.