Quoting starkers, reply 22
Quoting Cauldyth, reply 21
Those who smoke weed and I speak from personal experience have a way of concentrating on the project at hand.
Having worked in science for over 2 decades, I can say that the number of brilliant scientists (and also the not-so-brilliant ones) who light up regularly is... large...
Okay, so that's why I failed chemistry and other science subjects at school... I didn't [and still don't] smoke pot.
Never too late to adopt new, more effective, tools.
Nah, can't touch it... something in it makes me ill, and the effect lasts for several days. I did try it in my teens, but with a result like that I wasn't going to persist with it. Some years later I had the same violent reaction when someone baked it into some choc chip cookies and 'conveniently' neglected to inform me of the fact. I was ill for over a week.
Thing is, whether it made me ill or not, I still wouldn't use it because I'd rather face life, however hard or unpleasant it may be at times, in complete control of my faculties, not in some drug altered state. I did substance abuse when I drank alcohol to excess some years back and spent way, waaaay too much money to enter an altered state of being, so never again.
Not that I go there, AA that is... but my name is Mark and I'm now in my 14th year of sobriety. And so much better off for it, both physically, mentally and financially.