I'm hoping nothing makes me want a console this time that won't come out on PC.
The thing that irks me the most about consoles is that they are pay-to-play for online. (The Wii U isn't, but it's irrelevant to non-Nintendo fans)
Indeed, which is why I am interested in getting a PS3 before I even think about the next generation. I feel like I have abandoned Nintendo and Sony by accident, since the last Nintendo console my family got was the SNES and the NES before it, and the last Sony console we got was a PS2. Though I am still very interested in Mario and Zelda, especially SM3DL, SM3DW, and OoT3D, and I feel like I missed out on some of the best the Killzone series had to offer by only getting to play the original so far. Halo is my only vested interest in Xbox, and I only got into that by chance when my brother and I ended up with a friend's Xbox 360 and the perfect storm that was Halo 3: ODST.