There are no subsidies on fossil fuels, there are only extra taxes over what other industries and products have. Repeating that nonsense wont make it true.
Next time you look into health care satisfaction, check to see if they've done separate polling of people with serious medical problems. For some reason, it's never ceases to amaze liberals that healthy people are happy with their socialized medicine regardless of how bad it is. I can't imagine any of the people waiting several months for a quadruple bypass are happy. Oh wait, they all die!
I'm perfectly happy with the insurance I don't even have, I haven't even had a doctors visit in 8 years.
Eh, a lot of progressive changes have been overwhelming successful.
When you give people free shit, obviously it's going to be popular with the people getting free shit. Why would you be surprised that grandma likes not having to pay for her doctor visits?
The subject of far more relevance is what has happened to medical costs and fiscal budgets as a result of this program. The elderly are massively over-medicated by doctors working their practice like a revolving door, seeing them frequently with no need but not long enough to actually know how their patient is doing. Medicare drains about as much from the federal budget as social security does, and all so the quality of care provided by most doctors can be substandard.
Of my four grandparents, two have been killed before their time by incompetent doctors. One grandmother, in the middle of a fight with lung cancer, had her jaw broken by an incompetent VA surgeon. One grandfather was literally poisoned by the local hospital when his lymphoma came back, and they made him so sick that he aspirated and became septic. My other grandfather is only alive because his relatives harassed him until he went to someone that wasn't a quack instead of seeing the fucking retards at the VA again. They've tried to kill him multiple times and he keeps going back. Our rural hospitals are death traps, the VA hospitals are death traps, most of the doctors that accept medicaid are dangerously incompetent.
It's not a pretty picture we're drawing here. Government run health care is destroying what used to be the best medical care in the world. You only get good care in large cities now, where the populations are young enough that the privately insured pay enough extra to fund the losses they have from the elderly and poor.