The splash damage should solve the problem of bombers and corvettes reaching critical mass and just being unstoppable. To compensate, they should have weaker overall damage.
Great idea! This will hopefully reduce the mass flak spam that games usually devolve to these days.
Didn't the community agre that flak not op in ur oter tread?
Then why do almost all the multiplayer games today devolve into flak-spam fests?
I have to say sin, this is truly impressive....I mean, I am REALLY impressed....this is dedicated trolling, setting up this thread 2 years before you planned to strike...I cannot deny how inspired I am by this...
ROFL This is fucking priceless!
I've actually messed with this concept. The problem remains is that the armor/damage type is the bigger culprit. So while the damage to the bombers does increase, its not enough to damage to stop a critical mass of bombers.
To be fair, I don't think sinkillr is trolling here about the flak issue. In fact, this actually confirms the "absolute proof" post was legitimate, considering he believed the exact same thing almost two yeas ago.
When you start referring to yourself in the third person............
Maybe its because me and sinkillr are two different people? Its in the name moron.
Lie, you are Sinkillr, somewhere else you admitted it, and the style of your comments and trolling fits his style as well.
Not to mention if this were legitimate it would have been commented on in the year it was posted...
So just because an idea isn't popular, that must mean it is trolling? What kind of logic is that?
Really too dumb to understand that he was referring to you editing a two year old post to make it seem as if you had the flak "nerf" idea for years in advance, and in addition to that, using not two, but three different aliases in order to make it seem people actually support your opinion, and that he does not mean the idea on its own is trollish?
I did not edit my post? Nice try though.
I serch flak and find this
Tiberius is such an obvious smurf of WOEAINTME that I'm not going to even bother responding to the troll bait...
That's my go to line in business meetings. It catches many people off guard and I strongly suggest using it more often in your professional environment.
Wow, another thread derailed by the troll king and his minions...
I know. I agree with you.
You mean, you agree with you...
Good point. I Sinkillr, Seleuceia, Ryat, Bartowski, WOEaintME, RagnorakEviscerator, TIBERIUS agree with my self.
There, now don't I feel better.
You forgot Sinperium.
I have trouble remembering all my aliases
Yeah I know what you mean, my name is pretty hard to spell....
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