Frogboy, it would be my pleasure to do whatever it takes to help FE !
I perfectly know what you means with critics, I'm Belgian and me, other belgian poeple, Switzerland, France and Quebec mostly go on one site : sadly, the bad news, those testers are really bad and crappy, though millions follow it ! The testers are really critical and quickly throw bad notes to cool games and 18/20 for call of duty... Blah ! They killed the community of so many good games "thanks" to their horrible reviews !
No need to say that WOM was thrashed ! Some players, like myself, try oftenly to save a game but stupid poeple oftenly have reasons of us 
I read them for their news but I hate their test ! They too oftenly put a 9/20 for good graphics and 12/20 for playability ! They kill the game because they never try it totally and magically skip lots of functionalities
they also as you stated, kill a game because of its predecessor
I wish you won't meet those guys 
FE deserve a lot even if I complain a lot about it, I love it ! I just hope critics will see what FE is worth ! A very good game which this time, deserve to be called a dign successor to MOM even if a lot of work is still required And that the future (after release) brings addons that will fill any lack ! I wouldn't mind a couple DLC too.
You know what I hate the most in critics ? It's that they stop in time, one review, one bad note and there's never any change no matter how hard the company tries by correcting with patches
!!!! IE: Magicka, a weak 14/20 when the game evolved like crazy and is plenty of fun right now with all it's content ! The devs made a fantastic job to improve everything butbrew comers still act the same because of ! Same with the test of other website !
Well, I wish you all the best and let us know what we can do