Another issue guys: black margins. Some FE gameplay videos when played in full screen mode look like this and other like this (both screenshots are from James009D's videos).
Possible explanation (I'm no expert, correct me if I'm wrong):
I think you don't always keep the screen aspect ratio of recorded video the same as aspect ratio of your FE game (i.e. of your monitor if you play on full screen). When you record a widescreen game (16:9, 1.85:1) in non-widescreen aspect ratio (4:3, 3:2) the recording program adds black margins on top and bottom of the video. It gives a bad effect when someone plays the video on widescreen monitor, just like me. Youtube player adds additional black margins on left and right sides of the video (in order to keep the aspect ratio of the video). Now the video is in frames! So it's smaller and it has lower resolution.
ps I know it's easy to criticize. And I know you guys spend hours on making those videos. I just want them to be better and better
ps2 One more thing. Look at the first screenshot. Why in-game blackness is not as black as it could be (the left and right margins are blacker)? Is it because of video compression method?