Tis true, we be missin' the company of ol' Starkers on this, the most honorable day for pyrates, arrrh.
ARRRH! Where be tha' renegade Englishman starkers an' 'is Missus?
GAARRGHHHH!!!!!!! I missed this 'ere speshul day cos them thar landlubbers at tha internet office didn' 'ave me conneckshun up n' runnin', did em?
Tha baaasterds!!!!! I wur ready, willin' n' able, but I wur cast 'igh n' dry, marooned by them thar geezers wot should 'ave hoisted tha mainsal ta get I on tha net faster. If'n I finds out wot landlubbin' swab wur draggin' 'e's feet, I'll 'ave 'im 'ung frum tha yard arm n' get tha missus t' flay 'e's back open wiv tha cat o' nine.
Still, it be better late than ne'er. AARRRRR.