Well, with the major help of Civfreak, and team Dragonlance, here are some screenies of some of my models in game. Once again thanks to Civ, you da man!
My minotaur

The materials get lost somewhere when exporting from softimage to havok. So no colors.... which is a pain in the ass. Needs to be uv mapped, which also seems to be a hassle. At any rate this guy needs some UV map loving.

Oh, what's that behind you? This minotaur is about to make you his beyatch!
I made a skeleton and there is more of it, I think, in the 3D modeler's request thread and I put him in. Looks fantabulous in-game, I must say.

I even modeled Frogboy, he is now in-game. Needs his colors though.

Ah well, I am tired and must retire for bed. Major kudos to the Dragon Lance guys. I think we need to make some bowling shirts or something. Oh, and there are more people to thank, Heavenfall for instance and I am sure I have missed a few more, but to all the people contributing to the modding stuff on these forums... thank you very much. You deserve some beer and a bowling shirt.