I changed the wings quite a bit, the shape *I think* is what you asked for, and I removed the bones that supported the membrane cause making those look good is kind of hard for me atm, so they'll have to be skinned in . I also made the wings a bit longer and angled down some more, if you think they need some more don't feel bad and let me know
Good news! I got around to doing the UV map and... omg what a pain in the ass, I think I respect 3D artists a bit more after working on this. I kept unwrapping and shit was just all messed up -.- Long story short, I missed a hidden face inside the wings and that fked it all up, deleting it fixed. BUt that wasn't the worse, the damn hands gave me a headache, the UV I made I included the hands all messed up cuz I wasn't sure what it was. Funny enough when I was finally done arranging the Map, I discovered the cause, I missed this tinyyyyy little seam gahhh-.-.
Note that I stacked some things that are probably going to be symmetrical, for example the Front part of the wings are stacked on top of each other so that whatever you place there will appear on the other membrane. Same for the tail, Crests in the back, and a buncha other stuff. If you got any questions let me know!
That's Awesome work man, well done
. The wings look much better shape wise now. One last crit to make it *just right*. The extra wing bone that sticks out the top doesn't need to be there, or shorten it to a stub/spike. Aside from that, fuckin Awesome!!!
I told myself I would wait till Raven did a skin that I could apply but I couldn't do it! I went and did a poor skin just to see if it worked, and to my surprise it did! Here are the results in a render:
The wing colors are shit lol, but at least it all went were it was supposed to. Its still too shiny but I guess playing around with the material settings is next .
Hehe, no worries man. For a basic color that came out nice. Unfortunately I got stuck driving all over f'king hell and back today trying to find my god damn meds. All the pharmacies in Central Florida seem to be having a shortage of Oxycodone and my wife and I spent all day and half the night driving around trying to find a place that had them. It's illegal to call the place and ask them over the phone if they have them. Even if they do they aren't allowed to say so over the phone for fear they'll be robbed. All the damn junkies out there make it impossible for people with Real Medical Need to get the shit they have to have...
Anyway, now that I'm all set on my meds I'll spend the weekend skinning this bad boy
. When I skin it I won't skin the extra wing bone sticking up until you decide if you want to clip it off entirely or shorten it to a wing spike. I'll leave the call up to you. As I finish skins (I'll do more then one) I'll link them here and you can grab them and throw them on the model and post pics here and we'll talk about how they look. The crits are fare game too. If some part of the upcoming skins look odd just say so. Check back tomorrow (Saturday) evening and I should have at least one version done by then. I should probably download this Blender thing since I haven't been able to find my 3DSMax disk yet. At least that way I can view the model and apply the skin locally on my system. Where can I grab it?
Also, do you guys (CivFreak and Admiral) use Yahoo Messenger? We should probably get together and chat about some ideas I'm having for the mod and future work plus some tweaks we'll need to do. Download Yahoo Messenger if you don't already have it and add the contact "SeerusStoryteller". It's one of my old Seer accounts from my UO days. I'm also on Skype and Trillian (under a different name though) so I guess you guys don't Have to grab Yahoo. Which ever works for yall so long as we can contact each other a little easier than relying on the forums. Hell, I have free nation wide long distance so if need be we can do a phone conference if it comes down to it.
I am whupped, I think this about does it. ..... (again thanks for the kind words and the critiques from everyone.. Raven, you were right the legs looked funky- hard to see in this shot but they look much better now).
Killer job man, well done indeed!!! It does look much better now. Proportionately everything is pretty much spot on I'd say. The size and beefyness is perfect. The position of the legs needs a small adjustment. Check out this pic here below:

Notice the red arrows I laid out. See if you can bring the knee forward. Actually pull that whole part of the leg forward from where it connects at the waist. The top part of the leg is a little too straight up and down and should be more like a zigzag. Adjust that and I'd say it's %100 Perfect
. Again Awesome job brother. It's much improved from your first go round.
Oh, one last thing. We might want to put a fur loin cloth to cover up the minotaur ass heh. For an idea on how the "loin cloth" should look check out this pic of He-Man here:

That's what I meant before when I said put in bulk for "fur". I know trying to model clumps of fur would be a serious pain in the ass so don't worry about trying to make it look "hairy" or "fury", I'll do that with the skin. The loin cloth needs to be there for me to skin it though.
Alright. So, the next step now that we have two base models to work with is to make variants of those models wearing different types of armor or wearing different "pieces" of armor. This way we can have different "Types" of Draconians and Minotaurs for the players to use in their armies in the DL Mod. For an idea of what I mean by different types or looks check the concept art Das123 posted on page 2 of this thread.
Seriously Awesome work Team!!! That's right, I said Team 
I'm gonna crash out and get some sleep now, but, as soon as I wake up I've got a day of skinning ahead of me
. I'm totally stoked. I dare say the Dragonlance Mod is going to fucking OWN!!! Now we need to find us a few coders who know their way around Python and maybe one who has a better understanding of some of the more advanced tags and "if's" in XML. Contrary to popular belief there IS more to XML than just editing values. Editing values is just the easiest thing to do with most Mods. I can already tell now though to implement some of the mechanics we'll need that some Python scripting will need to be done and I'm completely lost when i comes to Python.