Hello my fellow Modders and friends,
As I'm sure you'd all like to know, work on the Dragonlance Mod is progressing slowly but surely. I've been plugging away on the world map and some custom tiles (though the tile editor keeps crashing on me). Realistically I'm still at least a month or two away from a 1.0 release, maybe longer if I can't find the models I need. As I've mentioned before, 3D Modeling is Not one of my strong suits. Skins, Textures, Colors, I can handle all those and even apply those to current models in game. Making decent looking New Models is somewhat beyond me though. As such I thought I would come to my fellow Modders for help. I also figure if others have Model Requests we could keep all the requests in one thread like a "Order Form" where we can request Models and when those Models are made the requests can be filled and posted in this thread.
Here are the Models I currently need. Some of these may not be needed after release but there's no way to know for sure until we have the full release and see what goodies they've been holding back from us for the full game.
Draconians: In Dragonlance there is a race called "Draconians". They are an intelligent race though they are not natural. They were made by magic and twisting the eggs of Dragons into a Dragon/Man hybrid. They have the head, wings, and tails of a Dragon with the body shape of a man. Their skin is scaly.

Minotaurs: In Dragonlance Minotaurs are a intelligent race which mainly inhabit the island nations of Mithas and Kothas. Minotaurs have a Human Body with the Head of a Bull.

Elves: In all honesty this one shouldn't be that hard. All that really needs to be done is to have pointy ears places on a standard human model.

Dwarves: Short, stocky, humans.

Kender/Halflings: Short, skinny, child-like, humans. I wonder if there will be models of children in the full game? We have all kinds of civilians walking around the cities so it would make sense that kids would be running around as well. If so I can use their model for Kender.

If anyone else has any Model Requests by all means please place them in this thread. Since I consider Kyogre to be in charge of keeping all the modding info in order maybe he will be so kind as to keep track of these as well.