New Horizons has been working a lot on the sounds, ...
Quite a few units will have their own unique voices.
* All Federation, Romulan & Klingon elites
* Federation & Klingon Flagships
* Borg Queen Diamond (Elite & Flagship)
* All Cardassian combat frigates & cruisers
* Federation, Cardassian, Romulan & Klingon colony frigates
* Klingon & Romulan siege frigates
* Federation, Romulan & Klingon starbase constructors
In fact, not many ships still use the COMMON sound IDs. 
Also assigned, where possible, ONCREATION sounds so that you can identify what type of ship has just been built.
In total there should be around twice the number of dialogue sounds as SoA2 0.7.1