This place, no matter how many times you write, hardly constitutes knowing a person.
Couldn't have said it better myself, though I have attempted to...
Of course this medium is partly to blame as it is hard to gage a person by written words.

Some people take even the slightest criticism to be a personal attack, that's unfortunate. Of course this medium is partly to blame as it is hard to gage a person by written words. Most everyone would say something slightly different in person if they had a chance other than writing it.
While I agree that thick skin is needed here and in general on the internet - there are just times where shit that happens is just plain inexcusable, you know? I think in that case - yeah, don't let them get to you - but you also don't have to take it.
Can it really be possible to dislike someone on JU because you disagree
I would have to disagree with you there. i think, in my opinion, there are plenty of people capable of not liking another because they simply disagree. I don't know why they would, but I've seen in here before.
Turn off the PC for awhile, there is much more than this out there.
Not a religious person, but I gotta say...Amen, brutha! That is so true. If we were meant to be cave dwellers, we'd have never set foot outside of ours millions of years ago.
The folks I agree with, for all I know, might be the biggest a..holes on the planet, while those I disagree with might be a close friend under other circumstances.
Well put, politics and such related topics really do fuck things up between people, don't they?
There is always someone you look back at that called out your nonsense at one or more points in your life, and most would hold those people in high regard later.
Remarkably, I agree; though I'm not fond of the (main) person who called me out, and am skeptical of her intentions - I'm grateful for that time period. It straightened me out, and I'm a more mature man because of it.