Ya know, i've been thinking... just staring at the snapshots found in Impulse (of a work in progress and yet, pretty sharp indeed) could very well convince me to participate in the looooong beta (a release for 02/10 is kinda far away) if only to acknowledge the superb overall graphics feel in that fantasy stuff by simply paying for the pre-release version.
I specially loved the entire artistic coloring sets -- softened but acute pastels and terracotta-like shemas - even the map in a circle is almost identical to what ProFantasy' cartographer program can output. Surprisingly, i also enjoyed the Not-MoM type of cards imaging, sort-of.
More so with the 'Blueish Dragon beast' battlefield with squares filled up by army groups and the catapult! Which also reminds me that this sort of 'isometric perspective' (or even the entire concept dynamics) on any given playing surface could fit the contract for an upcoming-somehow GCIII invasion process with Sci-Fi galactic inspired element(al)s!
Imagine a bunch of Korx defenders being surrounded by Thalans geared up with Plasma rifles & grenades, Tanks, planes... ahhhh. I dream of Jeannie. Or is it Jena?