Yes I have managed to download and install mods! Now does anybody know if there is a Seven Deadly Sins mod for 1.5? also where can I get the Star wars mod by EvilleJedi? And there is a new season of Battlestar Galactica!!? P.S. Did anybody but me notice that Entrenchment comes out on the same day as Wall-E?
Glad to see that you can install mods! 
To get the latest version of 7DS, go to or it doesn't matter which, they are both the same site. Then create an account. Go to the forums, and under the "Request Playtester Status HERE!" tab, create a new post asking to become a playtester. At somepoint, either DANMAN or one of the other admins will grant you playtester status, usually within a day or so. Then you will be able to download the current 7DS 2.0 "D" beta, that ONLY works with 1.05. (No 1.1 yet). Oh, and just FYI, if you do get 7DS, don't run it with your graphics settings on "Highest" The game crashes if you do.
As for EvilleJedi's Star Wars mod, go to Although, just so you know, right now it only has a very unbalanced Empire to play as, no Rebels. Also, the current 7DS has a playable Empire that is a lot more balanced, so might just want to get that until the Star Wars mod is updated.
And yes, there is a new season of BSG. It starts in Janurary sometime. The new one picks up where season 4 ended and is the last season of BSG EVER! Although there a rumors that there is going to be at least one more movie and possibly a spin off series about life on Caprica before the Cylon attacks.
And do you mean the Wall-E DVD? I did not know that. I was too excited about Entrenchment to notice anything else.
Hope this helps