Galactic Stargate command 
Emporor Harborne and Grand General Charley Koopa
A while ago we the galactic stargate command came into contact with the Autobot army. The Autobot army had previously lost there way home in a previous battle with the Kzinti. We immediately transported the transformers to there home world using a recently constructed super gate which enables the transportation of not just people but entire ships through it. After the Autobots left they didn’t leave much, to keep their technology from falling into enemy hands, they destroyed all but one of the planets they inhabited. They specifically disliked a certain race, I’m not naming names here but they were specifically worried about the domination of giant pussy cats. We established our base on the remaining Autobot planet we classified as P5X-893.
We have set up a community including stardocks to build Prometheus
and Dedalus
class Battleships. The Stargate Empire shall explore the galaxy and defeat the Kzinti. We have set up a gate network through out this galaxy
and only we have the complete database of gate address, in time the other empires shall learn the addresses of them but it may be impossible for them to find them all we have a big tactical advantage against the other empires of this galaxy. This is the Era of the Tauri and we are seeking to ally ourselves with other races and confront the Kzinti.
So Please Feel Free To Join Galactic Stargate Command
Flags Of The Races That Make up Galactic Stargate command
The Tau'ri The Tok'ra The Asgard The Free Jaffa The Lloydians

The Pirate Koopa
The Replicators Leader: Charley koopa
Flags Of The Races That Are Allied with Galactic Stargate command
Earth Federation Starfleet The United Confederation Of Planets
Leader: General Homsar Leader: freeman43