This may or may not have been suggest already, but I think would be nice if we could make batter use of the star bases.
Currently when we attack a Starbase it gets destroyed and gone forever until a new one is built in its place.
Now lets say your living in such era as Galciv and your the leader of military when you people come across and enemy starbase wouldn't it make more since you to take the starbase for your own whether destroy outright I mean really it just seems like a wast. I think the devs should make so that we can use our invasion fleets to invade and capture starbases. This way invasion ships would much more of a use other than just invading your enemy's home world.
The way this could work is that when send a transport ship or a fleet with Transport ship to attack a starbase your will be given a choice as whether are not destroy the starbase or capture it. In order to capture he starbase you’re attacking ships would firs have to disable any weapon modals on the base. Once the weapons were disabled your transports take over and move in and dock at the base and then you’re soldiers do the rest. If the base defended by enemy soldiers. Your men will battle with there's. Victory will be determined just like as if you were invading a planet. If your soldiers. They take control of the base and it becomes your along with the bonuses that was once granting your enemies.
Being able to capture starbases would grant us a way to deal with unwanted starbase the enemy builds in our territory, that we would rather have working for us than destroyed. We could also be able to store up soldiers at the bases for future invasions of course we'd add soldier maintenance fee to the game. Because you would of course have to feed and pay your men. Also if you store soldiers at a mining base, you could have them double as workers and increase the bonus granted by that starbase. There would of course have to be a limit as to how many men you store at a base.
Along with being able to store soldiers their it would also help us to be allow to actually dock ships at the base well o increase it’s defenses and don’t having a ship and the base in the same spot but for the ship to dock at he base like it does a planet. I know a docking starbase model can be created through modding, but I’ve tried it already and it doesn’t work. Docking ships at a starbase would not only aid in its defense but it would also give the fleet or ship some REAL back up fire meaning it’s weapons would attack the ship in the full fleet battle screen and the your ships would be flying around it as if they were defending a planet.
These are just some ideas I came up with to make starbases more useful in the game. Civs like the drengin would make full use of being to capture a starbase and store up troops there in preparation for an invasion of a world. Well what does anyone else think?